IGCP638 Call for Keynote Speakers
IGCP638 steering committee respectfully asks scholars and experts in the related area to consider taking a keynote speech in the IGCP638. If you are interested or if you have someone to recommend, please send CV to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.. We will have each CV carefully reviewed and select most suitable ones for IGCP638, welcome join us.
5th IGCP638 meeting (Accra, Dec. 4th - 5th, 2022)
Six topics were selected for the plenary meeting of 20-30 mnutes each, including presentation and discussion. Some of the titles could be provisional. Conveners will be attributed before the sessions
1UG : University of Ghana, Legon ; 2IRD : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
4th IGCP638 meeting (Algiers, Oct. 28th - Nov. 2nd, 2019)
Nine topics were selected for the plenary meeting of 20-30 mn each, including presentation and discussion.
Plenaries | Conference titles | Speakers |
1 | Mineral resources in Algeria: state of play and perspectives | Dr. A. Zerouki1 |
2 | Mineral exploration in Algeria: current state and perspectives | Pr. D.E. Aïssa2 |
3 | Iron mines in Algeria |
Dr. M.I. Mouzaïa4 |
4 | Two contrasting sources for base-metal mineralization in northeast Algeria: Evidence from fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies | Pr. R. Laouar3 |
5 | Are there any correlations between West African Craton and Rio de la Plata Craton? | Pr. T. Aïfa5 |
6 | First evidence of late Permian alkaline magmatism at the edge of the Sahara Platform (north of the West African Craton) : geochronological/geochemical data and geodynamic significance | Pr. M.C. Chabou6 |
7 | Metallogenic implications of a new geodynamic model for the Eglab, Algeria | Dr. C. Taylor5 |
8 | REE-rich minerals in Paleoproterozoic carbonatites from Ihouhaouene | Pr. K. Ouzegane2 |
9 | Geological heritage: Legal aspects and methodological approach | Dr. A. Zerouki1 |
1ASGA: Agence du Service Géologique de l'Algérie, 2USTHB: Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, Algiers, 3Université de Annaba, 4SOMIFER: Société des Mines de Fer d'Algérie, 5USGS: United States Geological Survey
3rd IGCP638 meeting (Abidjan, Oct. 15-20th, 2018)
Six topics were selected for the plenary meeting of 30 mn each, including presentation and discussion.
Plenaries | Conference titles | Speakers |
Conveners |
1 | WAXI: 12 years of West African Craton research and training | Pr M. Jessell, UWA | Pr Y. Coulibaly |
2 | Metallogeny of the South West African Craton: a mineral system approach | Dr N. Thébaud, UWA | Dr M. Dabo |
3 | Geosciences education in Ivory Coast | Pr J. Biémi, UFHB | Pr. T. Aïfa |
4 | Water resource and sustainable development in Ivory cost |
Dr B. Kouadio, UFHB |
Pr A.K. Yao |
5 | Structural evolution of the Kedougou-Kenieba Inlier formations | Dr M. Dabo, UCAD | Pr M. Jessell |
6 | Meteorite impact in West African Craton | Dr D. Baratoux, IRD | Pr F. Kouamé |
UWA: University of Western Australia UFHB: University Félix Houphouët-Boigny IRD : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement UCAD: Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
2nd IGCP638 meeting (Casablanca, Nov. 7-12th, 2017)
Eight topics were selected for the plenary meeting of 30 mn each, including presentation and discussion.
Plenaries | Conference titles | Speakers |
Conveners |
1 | The Precambrian basement of Morocco (Sahara, Anti-Atlas and Meseta): a review | Pr. A. Michard, Univ. Paris XI, Orsay | Pr. O. Saddiqi |
2 | Les perspectives de l’exploration minière au Maroc | Dr. A. Azza, MEMDD1, Rabat | Pr. T. Aïfa |
3 | La Meseta au Paléozoïque: un terrain vagabond ou la marge fragmentée de l’Anti-Atlas ? | Pr. H. Ounaimi, Univ. Marrakech | Pr. A. Soulaimani |
4 | Signatures pétrographique et géochimique des formations paléoprotérozoïques du Degré Carré de Massigui (Mali méridonal) : implications géodynamiques |
Dr. O. Wane, Univ. Bamako |
Dr. M. Dabo |
5 | Les modèles de développement minier de MANAGEM | Dr. L. Maacha, MANAGEM, Morocco | Pr. M. Aïssa |
6 | Evolution des marges atlantiques marocaine et mauritanienne depuis le stade de rifting à l’Actuel | Pr. M. Hafid, Univ. Ibn Tofail, Kénitra | Pr. H. El Arabi |
7 | Precambrian Large Igneous Provinces of Morocco: The record preserved in regional dyke swarms | Pr. N. Youbi, Univ. Marrakech | Pr. A. Tahiri |
8 | Evolution structurale des formations paléoprotérozoïques de la boutonnière de Kédougou-Kéniéba, Sénégal oriental | Dr. M. Dabo, Univ. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar | Pr. A. El Hassani |
1Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development
1st IGCP638 meeting (Dakar, Dec. 5-10th, 2016)
Nine topics were selected for the plenary meeting of 30 mn each, including presentation and discussion.
Plenaries | Conference titles | Speakers | Conveners |
1 | Mines and sustainable development in West Africa | Dr. A. Sy, SGO2 | Pr. Pr. D.P. Diallo / Pr. M. Gueye |
2 | Mining resources of Senegal | Dr. R. Samba, DPPM1 | Pr. S. Naba |
3 | Nature and characterization of oil and gas formations of Senegal (West African margin) | Dr. J. Medou, Petrosen | Pr. T. Aïfa |
4 | Nature and evolution of the Paleoproterozoic formations of the West African Craton | Dr. L. Baratoux, IRD | Dr. A. Kouamelan |
5 | Groundwater: hydrogeologic characterization and pollution | Pr. S. Faye, UCAD | Pr. P.M. Ngom / Dr. M. Diène |
6 | The education of Earth sciences in West Africa | Pr. M. Fall, UCAD | Pr. P.G. Lô |
7 | Geoparks and geotourism | Dr. S. Siby, ANRA3 | Pr. P.M. Ngom |
8 | West African Craton and Mauritanides: a geotrail from Atlantic margin to Sahara | Pr. O. Saddiqi, Univ. Casablanca | Pr. P.M. Ngom / B. Diouf |
9 | Tectonics-mineralisation relationships in ancient cratons, a new structural framework | Pr. D. Gapais, Univ. Rennes 1 | Pr. R. Malou |