Conference Program
Instructions for Oral Presenters
- Keynote talk
- 30 minutes including 5 minutes discussion
- Invited talk or normal talk
- 15 minutes including 3 minutes discussion
- Oral presenters are requested to bring their presentation as a PowerPoint file under Microsoft Windows or a PDF file on a memory stick, and ensure that it is transferred to the display computer during your onsite registration. If you could not upload it then, please let the secretary know at what time you can do it and be sure it is done at least half an hour before the session starts (IT help available).
- Use of own computers should be avoided and overhead projector for hard-copy projection will not be available.
- Presenters are also kindly asked to present themselves to the session chair before the session starts.
Instructions for Poster Presenters
- Poster size is A0, equal to 90 cm (width) * 120 cm (height). Please print your poster accordingly.
- Posters have unique presentation numbers which specify the poster board locations. Please refer to the presentation numbers on the Conference Programme (soon available)
- Posters must be mounted to the assigned poster board with adhesive tape which will be available at the Poster Desk.
- Poster presenters are requested to hang up their posters in the morning of the poster session day and dismantle the posters after the poster session.
- Presenters are requested to remain with their posters during poster session.
- 1st day: Poster session 1: P01 to P20
- 2nd day: Poster session 2: P21 to P40